Medicare For All: Common Arguments Against And Rebuttals

Lindsey Weedston
5 min readFeb 17, 2020

Originally published on Not Sorry Feminism.

It’s looking like in spite of the DNC’s best efforts, Bernie Sanders is likely to be the nominee for President. If we want to get Trump out of office four years early, which will be the real challenge because the incumbent always has the advantage, we need to be ready to counter all the shit that’s going to be lobbed at Bernie and his policy positions.

Let’s start with Medicare for All, because Jon Oliver did a segment on it and it really lays out the most common concerns with it in a fair and hilarious manner.

I like this show a lot.

The biggest argument against seems to be the cost, and I want to point out a couple things that Oliver didn’t. First of all, Fox News anchors love to put that special bit of emphasis on TRILLION when they give the price tag. Let’s be clear — the U.S. annual budget is already measured in the trillions. I know it still seems like an uncommonly large number, but the same used to be for billions. Inflation has raised us to the point that…



Lindsey Weedston

Seattle area writer interested in anarchist and communist theory but definitely anti-capitalist, abolitionist, and angry.